Everyday Giving

  www.Everydaygiving.com                                                               July 27, 2005


Whether you are young or "not so young", there are many ways to give that are appropriate for you. Age is not the key factor when it comes to giving. Having a caring heart and willingness to make a positive difference are needed. I am confident this describes you or you would not be taking the time to read this ezine.

All ages are able to volunteer and there are some programs that specifically target juniors and seniors. The Points of Light Foundation has a special giving program for those that are over 50 years old. You can learn about their 50+ Volunteering Initiative at http://www.pointsoflight.org/programs/50plus/. Another special program at the Points of Light Foundation is targeted at elementary and middle school aged youth. You can check out the Kids Care Clubs at http://www.kidscare.org. If you don't have one in your area consider starting one.

You don't have to be an adult to motivate others to give. The below article describes some of the things Sondra Clark (now 15 years old) is doing on a daily basis to make a difference in this world. She is an inspiration! After reading the article, check out the books she has written at her website or at Amazon.com.

I would like to know if this ezine has been a help to you. You can always send me a note with your comments or questions to roger@everydaygiving.com.

Roger Carr signature
Roger B. Carr
"Mentor to the Rich of Heart"

p.s. In our last ezine I mentioned a picture card that could be used for communicating with others if they didn't speak your language. One company that makes this product is Kwikpoint and they call the cards Visual Language Translators. I ordered one I will be able to carry in my wallet.

14 Year Old Author Encourages Volunteer Work

Copyright 2004, Silvana Clark

With summer approaching, parents look for activities to fill their children's free time. This summer, take the advice of 14 year old Sondra Clark and encourage children to spend their time helping a worthy cause. With a little adult supervision, children quickly learn the inner satisfaction that comes with helping improve the lives of people, the environment or animals. Sondra, the author of five books, raised over $75,000 after visiting Africa and meeting Aids orphans."When I saw kids in Africa my age living alone because their parents had died, I knew I had to help them", said Sondra.

The following are some simple volunteer activities suggested by Sondra in her book,"You Can Change Your World!" which describes 150 volunteer projects.(Available at major bookstores and Amazon.com)

· Bedtime Snack Sacks

Children living in homeless shelters seldom get bedtime snacks. Decorate a number of lunch bags with markers, sequins and glitter. Fill each bag with a juice pack and non-perishable treat such as granola bars, packaged crackers or dried fruit. Add a small "Happy Meals" type toy as a surprise. Deliver the snack sacks to a women's shelter.

· Dog and Cat Fun

Local humane societies look for volunteers to walk their dogs. See if your family can register as dog walkers. You'll get exercise as well as the dogs! Kids can also collect old towels and newspapers to donate to shelters to use for animal care.

· Fancy Flowers

Does your school have flowers growing around the entrance? Offer to water and weed the flowers this summer.

· Outdoor Clean-up

Contact the local Parks and Recreation department to see if they need help on trail clean-up. Children can help staff pick up litter and maintain park facilities.

· Entertainment

Do your children have dramatic or musical talents? Encourage them to practice a skit, song or musical piece with their friends. Offer to present a "talent show" to a local nursing home.

· Reading Fun

Check with your local library if children can help with the summer reading program. They could read to younger children or make posters about upcoming events. Perhaps your children could dress up as a character from a book being read.

When not writing books, Sondra stays active with various volunteer programs. She recently contacted community business people to donate soap, shampoo, toothpaste and toys so she could put together 200 "Goody Bags" for orphans in Africa."Summer is a time for fun and relaxation," she said. "But it's also a great time for kids to think about others and get involved with volunteer projects." A portion of the proceeds from the sale of Sondra's five books goes to Childcare International, a non-denominational relief agency. More information on Sondra is available on her website, http://www.sondraclark.com

As parents look for ways to have children involved in summer activities, check out local opportunities for volunteer work. Children learn the internal satisfaction that comes from helping make the world a better place.

Although she's only 14, Sondra has published five books and is a spokesperson for two companies. She presents motivational speeches to conferences and schools around the country. With all these accomplishments, her parents wonder why she can't figure out how to hang up her clothes and make her bed.

Contact: Silvana Clark 360-734-9506 http://www.silvanaclark.com

About Everyday Giving

Everyday Giving is a company dedicated to the philosophy that everyone can be a philanthropist by simply doing little things everyday. Everyday Giving has a goal of creating one million new philanthropists whose purpose is to create a better world every day.

If you enjoyed this issue of the Everyday Giving ezine, then visit our website at www.everydaygiving.com to learn more ways you can change the world.

Copyright © 2005 Roger B. Carr. All rights reserved